Szimpla Kert at 14, Kazinczy street, is the first and most renowned ruin bar in Budapest, and was the initiator of the bar design based on upcycling, and is now one of the most popular tourist destinations of the city. The bar opened in 2004, and has been functioning ever since as a café, a restaurant, a bar, a garden cinema, a farmers’ market and a concert hall, where exhibitions, fairs, markets, workshops, concerts and other community events take place. As a member of Kazinczy utca and the NGO AZÉRT – Az Élő Erzsébetvárosért the place boosts events such as street festivals or cultural programs, also destined for the local community. Its unique atmosphere and city improving initiatives are the direct continuation of the heated ambiance of the one-time Héber furnace factory. Those who are skilful enough can still find an original “Zephir” furnace, antique yet still working, designed by Sándor Héber…